

永利欢乐娱人城青年副研究员,博士,硕士生导师。2018年5月毕业于美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心,获药学博士学位。2018年8月进入永利欢乐娱人城。主要从事临床药物治疗、药学服务与药事管理研究。主持上海市卫健委青年项目1项,上海市科委青年项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,上海市药监局重大课题1项。发表论文23篇,其中SCI论文18篇,担任IJERPH、Nutrients、Pharmacy、《中国临床药学杂志》等期刊审稿人。参编“十四五”规划教材《药理学》、英文专著Pharmacogenomics in Precision Medicine: From a Perspective of Ethnic Differences。2022年复旦大学“钟扬式教学团队”成员,上海市“高水平地方高校建设”复旦大学临床药学与监管科学重点创新团队成员,承担《药物流行病学》《临床药学技能与实践》《临床药物治疗学I&II》《临床药学概论》《药物临床评价》《医院药学》《药学服务与健康》《基于问题的药理学》《药学研究热点话题讨论》等多门本科生及研究生课程的教学工作。




2014年8月 - 2018年5月,美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心,临床药学专业,药学博士(Pharm.D.)

2010年9月 - 2014年6月,永利欢乐娱人城,药学专业,学士



2018年8月 - 至今,永利欢乐娱人城,青年副研究员








1. 上海市科学技术委员会,青年项目,22692190600,上海市面向老年慢性病患者居家药学服务的制度设计,2022-03至2023-2,5万元,结题,主持。

2. 上海市卫生健康委员会,青年项目,20194Y0234,DPP-4抑制剂对2型糖尿病患者健康相关生活质量的影响:基于中文简版DQoL量表的真实世界研究,2020-01至2022-12,5万元,结题,主持。

3. 上海市药品监督管理局,重大课题,本市药品监管人才队伍建设的“十四五”前期规划研究,2020-04至2020-10,6万元,结题,主要参与人。

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,82173892,nab-PTX与PD-1抗体联用抗肿瘤增效作用及其机制的


5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,81973389,基于生理药动学/药效学模型动态预测TKIs与华法林的体内相互作用及其协同调控机制的研究,2020-01至2023-12,55万元,在研,参与。






2022年9月起,任《Frontiers in Drug Delivery》副主编

2022年8月起,任SCI期刊《Pharmaceutics》(IF 5.4)编委

2021年6月起,任SCI期刊《Chinese Chemical Letters》(IF 9.1)青年编委

2020年6月起,任SCI期刊《Current Gene Therapy》(IF 3.6)编委




1. Feng Z, Ye Y, Ye H, Tang Z*. Changes in pharmaceutical retail market and regional inequality of community pharmacists accessibility in mainland China: a retrospective cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2022; 12:e063739.

2. Feng Z, Li X, Tong WK, He Q, Zhu X, Xiang X, Tang Z*. Real-world safety of PCSK9 inhibitors: A pharmacovigilance study based on spontaneous reports in FAERS. Front Pharmacol. 2022; 13:894685.

3. Feng Z, Tong WK, Tang Z*. Longitudinal trends in the prevalence and treatment of depression among adults with cardiovascular disease: An analysis of national health and nutrition examination survey 2009–2020. Front Psychiatry. 2022; 13:943165.

4. Tang Z, Fan X, Feng Z, Han B, Guo N. Case Report: Rhabdomyolysis secondary to vildagliptin overdose in a suicidal attempt: A case report and brief literature review. Front Pharmacol. 2022; 13:955162.

5. Tang Z#, Shen C#, Tong WK, Xiang X, Feng Z, Han B. Frailty in Community-Dwelling Adults Aged 40 Years and over with Type 2 Diabetes: Association with Self-Management Behaviors. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022; 19(15):9092.

6. Zhang J, Tang Z, Guo X, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Cai W. Synergistic effects of nab-PTX and anti-PD-1 antibody combination against lung cancer by regulating the Pi3K/AKT pathway through the Serpinc1 gene. Front Oncol. 2022; 12:933646.

7. 冯振, 叶桦, 唐至佳*. 社会药房执业药师针对处方药和非处方药开展药学服务的同异性. 中国临床药学杂志. 2022.

8. 郭楠, 韩冰, 喻轶群, 王晓娟, 刘宏锐, 冯振, 唐至佳*. 基于智慧医疗构建糖尿病药学门诊的必要性及应用初探. 中国临床药学杂志. 2022; 31(04):298-301.

9. Yuan Y, He Q, Zhang S, Li M, Tang Z, Zhu X, Jiao Z, Cai W, Xiang X. Application of physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling in preclinical studies: a feasible strategy to practice the principles of 3Rs. Front Pharmacol. 2022; 13:895556.

10. He Q, Bu F, Wang Q, Li M, Lin J, Tang Z, Mak WY, Zhuang X, Zhu X, Lin H, Xiang X. Examination of the impact of CYP3A4/5 on drug–drug interaction between schizandrol A/schizandrol B and tacrolimus (FK-506): a physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling approach. Int J Mol Sci. 2022; 23(9): 4485.

11. 冯振, 白玛拉姆, 叶桦, 洪兰, 唐至佳*. 我国社会药房执业药师药学服务能力研究. 药物流行病学杂志. 2021; 30(05):342-346.

12. He Q, Bu F, Zhang H, Wang Q, Tang Z, Yuan J, Lin H, Xiang X. Investigation of the impact of CYP3A5 polymorphism on drug-drug interaction between tacrolimus and schisantherin A/schisandrin A based on physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling. Pharmaceuticals. 2021;14(3):198.

13. Li M, He Q, Yao L, Wang X, Tang Z, Zhu X, Lin H, Xiang X. Simultaneous Quantification of Propylthiouracil and Its N-β-d Glucuronide by HPLC-MS/MS: Application to a Metabolic Study. Pharmaceuticals. 2021; 14(11):1194.

14. Wang Z, Xiang X, Liu S, Tang Z, Sun H, Parvez M, Ghim J, Shin J, Cai W. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling approach for drug-drug interaction evaluation of warfarin enantiomers with sorafenib. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2021; 39:100362.

15. Tang Z, Jiang X, Hong L, Feng Z, He Q, Yuan J, Xiang X. Validation of the simplified Chinese version of the brief Diabetes Quality of Life (DQoL) questionnaire based on a cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17(23):E8792.

16. Tang Z, Lhamu P, Ye H, Hong L, Xiang X. Current perceptions and improvement approaches of pharmaceutical care capacity of community pharmacists: a quantitative analysis based on survey data at Chinese chainpharmacies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17(20):E7482.

17. 唐至佳*, 叶桦. 关于部分发达国家(执业)药师继续教育管理现状的调查. 中国药事. 2020; 34(12):1408-1413.

18. Wu W, Wang Y, Tang Z, Gao Y, Huo Y. Regulatory oversight of cell therapy in China: Government's efforts in patient access and therapeutic innovation. Pharmacol Res. 2020; 158:104889.

19. Wang Z, Xue Y, Sun H, Zhang Z, Tang Z, Liu S, Cai W. Effect of tea polyphenols on the oral and intravenous pharmacokinetics of ticagrelor in rats and its in vitro metabolism. J Food Sci. 2020; 85(4):1285-1291.

20. Wu W#, Tang Z#, Chen J, Gao Y. Pediatric Drug Development in China Reforms and Challenges. Pharmacol Res. 2019; 148:104412.

21. 唐至佳*, 叶桦. 执业药师资格考试电子化的可行性探讨. 中国药事. 2019; 33(1):26-31.

22. Li X, Jin S, Fan Y, Fan X, Tang Z, Cai W, Yang J, Xiang X. Association of HLA-C*03:02 with methimazole-induced liver injury in Graves' disease patients. Biomed Pharmacother. 2019; 117:109095.

23. Wang L, Fan Z, Zhang J, Changyi Y, Huang C, Gu Y, Xu Z, Tang Z, Lu W, Wei X, Li C. Evaluating tumor metastatic potential by imagingintratumoral acidosis via pH-activatable near-infrared fluorescent probe. Int J Cancer. 2015; 136(4):E107-16.1. 
